Author: Lars Justinen
The Apostle Paul
Paul wrote thirteen of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, and 31% of the text. Those numbers do not include the book of Hebrews, which some believe he wrote. The fundamental understanding of Christian salvation was penned by this man whose writings affected the nature of the church then and for generations to come.…
In the Shadow of the Cross
As a twelve year old boy, Jesus visited Jerusalem and with his parents attended the annual Passover service. With the worshipers He bowed in prayer. He witnessed the impressive rites of the paschal service, the sacrife of the lamb. Every act seemed to be bound up with His own life. New impulses were awakening within…
Sharing the Word
Even though the self-centered nature of man often chooses to be ignorant, God’s Spirit of love does sometimes break through. And often the words of Scripture will reveal the deeper existential answers of whywe are here, why the world is the way it is, and why there is an answer that appeals to both the…
The Execution of Paul
Early church historians tell us that Paul, after appealing to Caesar, was imprisoned in Rome for a period of time whichafforded him the opportunity to write and minister to local believers. But the day came when his case was adjudicated and he wassentenced to death by a beheading. He is the most prolific writer of…
The Guide
In a world where many of us sense no particular reason why we are here or where we are going, there is a Guide foundin Scriptures that makes sense of the world – showing why love and selflessness always triumph.
Natural God Given Remedies
God has provided an abundance of natural remedies for us when sick and run down. Our God-given immunesystems respond to these free gifts of health. Here are some: fresh air, sunlight, pure water, natural diet, rest, temperance, exercise, and trust in God. Can you see them represented here? Temperance is the tricky one – clue:…
The Prodigal Son
Jesus’ story in Luke tells us some things about God that no other story in the Bible does. In the description of the father, Jesus showcasesthe Father’s unconditional love in the way he takes back his son, in the way he tries to protect his son from shame, and in the waythat he rejoices for…
The Red Sea Parts
“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all nightand made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea ondry ground, the waters being a wall to them on…
Mary Washing Jesus’ Feet
“Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” – John 12:3